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Out in the real world news is happening and here are the highlights.

Trump is pretty much fucked

After giving the world a brief scare as his poll numbers rose above Hillary Clinton's for the first time, it appears that Trump was merely doing a very high dead cat bounce. Since then, now that he's out of primary season and no longer pitching to the absolute dregs of society, his numbers have been in free fall and hitting unprecedented lows that many wonder if he'll be able to recover from. – Washington Post.

Apple snubs Republicans over Trump

Having donated equipment to the Republican party before, Apple is going to snub the GOP's tech needs for its July national convention because of Donald Trump. This is largely due to Trump criticizing Apple's operations in China as well as simply being bad for business by being a racist boor. – Politico.

Paul Ryan's new economic plan is terrible for humanity

With such intense media focus on Donald Trump over the past year, other republicans have basically been given free reign to go about their nefarious ways outside of the spotlight. Paul Ryan, the country's highest ranking elected GOP member, announced his new economic plan that will basically screw everyone over except for big business, from consumers to wildlife to workers. Trump and Ryan really capture the essence of the of the Republican Party: callous neoliberal economics on one side, vile racism on the other. – New York Times.

Star Trek actor Anton Yelchin dies

27 year-old Anton Yelchin, who you may know as Chekov in J.J. Abrams' Star Trek movies, has died in a freak accident where he was crushed between his car and brick mail box. Bizarre and tragic. – Wired.

Is gentrification changing fashion?

With life in traditional fashion capitals like London and New York becoming too expensive for everyone except bankers and oil barons these days, young and beleaguered fashion designers are fleeing to places like Berlin and LA where they can actually afford the rent. Gentrification is having very real effects on the identity of the fashion industry. – Business of Fashion.

Cleveland Cavaliers win NBA finals

After trailing 3-1 to the Golden State Warriors, the Cleveland Cavaliers turned the series around to claim their first NBA title with a 93-89 point win, becoming the first team to string three straight victories together after being three down. Vanquishing what some were calling the greatest team in NBA history, LeBron James walked out as unanimous MVP. – ESPN.

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