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Even the most devout Drake fans have got to answer for his album titles. All of Drake's recent records have either been named something instantly forgettable or something at least mildly cringey.

Drake's forthcoming new album, For All the Dogs sidesteps this trend, sort of — it's accompanying a book called Titles Ruin Everything, which sounds like a cry for help from a guy who hates naming his own output.

However, For All the Dogs' original name could've been so bad that it'd have made Certified Lover Boy sound like a Lord Byron couplet.

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If Drake's original merch designs were anything to go by, For All the Dogs was originally titled Hard Feelings Harder Dick. Seriously. This is a 36-year-old man, here.

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The proof is in the hoodie, as they say. A few fans noticed that For All the Dogs' cutesy artwork was originally printed on a hoodie that Drake had been seen wearing prior to the reveal of For All the Dogs.

Beneath the illustration of two adorable puppies laying in repose: "Hard Feelings Harder Dick," made even weirder by the Times New Roman-style typeface.

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Identical "Hard Feelings Harder Dick" text was previously seen embroidered on a leather jacket that Drake wore on stage earlier this year, which most of us rightfully thought was merely an embarrassing one-off. Yep, just another corny Drake moment! Little did we know, it was a potential prelude for new music.

Even for Drake devotees who must consistently endure their idol posting mawkish selfies and actual cartoon porn to his Instagram Stories, "Hard Feelings Harder Dick" would've been pretty hard pill to swallow (no, uh, pun intended).

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To be fair, no confirmation that "Hard Feelings Harder Dick" was the original title of Drake's next album. It could've just as easily been a possible song title or something that Drake thought looked funny on clothes.

Again, this dude uploaded cropped anime boobs to Instagram only a few months ago — this is the sense of humor we're dealing with here.

Then again, as some other Drake heads noticed, the anagram for For All the Dogs is FAT D so the joke's on all of us after all.

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