Unsurprisingly, the 'Metal Gear' Art Director Makes Beautifully Industrial Watches
Kojima Productions' Hamilton "American Classic Boulton Death Stranding 2 Limited Edition" watch is as close as you're gonna get to a wearable Death Stranding timepiece. It's also a showcase for undersung art director Yoji Shinkawa.
The worlds of Metal Gear and Death Stranding are beautiful, bizarre, baffling, and inarguably imaginative. But that's not solely due to the genius of Hideo Kojima, founder of Kojima Productions.
You've also gotta give props to Yoji Shinkawa, the longtime Kojima acolyte who's overseen character and mech design for much of the designer's games.
Shinkawa designed the collaborative Hamilton watch seen here, remarkably stylish black timepiece that takes Hamilton's Boulton to futuristic highs.
Described in Kojima Productions' press release as indicative of Death Stranding's "techno-apocalyptic environment," and if you've seen anything of Death Stranding or its forthcoming sequel, you know how accurate that descriptor is.
The Hamilton watch is very much a product of Kojima Productions' new game.
It's modeled upon the watch worn by one of the characters in Death Stranding 2: On the Beach and will release in a limited edition of 2,000 pieces on June 26 alongside the game.
Shinkawa really nailed the moody vibe of Death Stranding 2, transforming a typically classic Hamilton timepiece into a blacked-out watch that looks more like a gothic cathedral for the wrist.
Compare it to a conventional Boulton, which retails for just under $1,000 and see the vast visual gulf separating the two.
Still, this is a relatively tame tie-in compared to the collaborative ACRONYM gear that Kojima pal Errolson Hugh designed for the release of the original Death Stranding about six years ago.
Sadly, no baby-pouch included this time.