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Kylie Jenner is facing backlash this week in the wake of a series of ill-considered social media posts.

It all started on Instagram, when she uploaded a sequence of Instagram Stories that shared her heartbreak over the wildfires that have (so far) wiped out over 500,000 animals in Australia. "Over half a BILLION animals have been killed in Australia," she wrote, "this breaks my heart."

Of course, her comments are true and totally fair — or they would have been fair, had she not then posted a picture of herself wearing a pair of $1,100 Louis Vuitton mink fur slippers. Understandably, she was immediately called out on Twitter. Take a look below.

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In way of an apology, Jenner then donated $1 million to various relief efforts providing aid for the fires, PEOPLE reports. The publication also quotes an "insider" who offered, “That post was completely unintentional. Kylie stands behind her desire to want to help provide relief towards the devastation the fires have caused.”

Now, that Jenner made such a giant donation to the fund is not the point of contention here — every penny counts towards the efforts underway to halt the fires and provide care for those affected by the wreckage. We're also not suggesting that she doesn't want to help in some way, nor that the loss of animal life isn't upsetting, because it is.

No, it's more that this simple fuck-up highlights how far from the ground Ms Jenner floats. It shows ignorance two-fold, firstly because an animal perished to make her cozy pink slippers, and because the fashion industry plays no small part in the climate crisis.

With Jenner well underway to becoming the youngest billionaire ever and boasting the kind of clout most influencers could only dream of, this kind of move is no longer acceptable nor can it pass as "unintentional." Especially when you consider that the amount of money she's thrown over it is less than she gets paid for one Instagram post — which is $1.2 million, in case you were wondering.

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