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Outdoor gear has gone through many iterations over the years and Woolrich has been there for most of them. From the first half of the 20th century where it was strictly necessity and functional gear used by serious outdoor explorers, the military and workers to the outdoor leisure enthusiasts of the '60s, '70s and '80s. At this point, the gear started to get more wearable and technical to appease a new generation wanting to get into nature and in the '90s outdoor wear started to creep slowly and surely into the wardrobes of the fashion and style conscious where it firmly finds itself today.

Highsnobiety / Ahmed Chrediy, Highsnobiety / Ahmed Chrediy

Throughout all these eras of outerwear Woolrich has remained ever-present. The 190-year-old brand has not only been able to traverse its way across generations of outdoor enthusiasts, it is also one of those brands that somehow seems to pop-up in some iteration in nearly every subculture. From beatnik to grunge, skater to hardcore, hip-hop to indie the Woolrich and its plaid flannel was usually there to tell the tale.

Woolrich knows what they do best and stick to it. You could call the core of their brand the four Ps - Plaids, Parkas, Puffers and Pullovers. They do these things WELL and they've been doing them for years. So why change a winning formula?

For their latest FW collection which you can already buy here, Woolrich will be splitting up their offering into four drops that build on the four Ps and add a variety of exciting takes to each item.

Highsnobiety / Ahmed Chrediy, Highsnobiety / Ahmed Chrediy

Drop 1 eases you into fall with some mad hard-wearing puffers bringing in the harsh weather heavy hitters, ripstop and waterproof poly. The emperor's of weather tech, Gore-tex make an appearance on a selection of mountain jackets and city coats, whilst Woolrich amp up their mackintosh game for all the tailoring lovers out there with some cosy Thermore padding.

Highsnobiety / Ahmed Chrediy

Drop 2 delivers the down, giving a firm middle finger to Mr Jack Frost. Nylon and ripstop puffers and Teton anoraks also join Woolrich's mega arsenal of winter fighters alongside their legendary Arctic Parkas.

Highsnobiety / Ahmed Chrediy, Highsnobiety / Ahmed Chrediy

Drop 3 brings in Woolrich's signature cultural chameleon the Buffalo Check. The black and white check hits whatever item it's applied to, and Woolrich hasn't kept it in hiding using it generously across the collection. The Rowland Reversible shirt also gets more love coming through in a mix of real red and black wool. The Aurora family, in shiny sun orange nylon, holds the reins of the puffy game with three different lengths and the wool capes are adaptable with a variety of fits.

Drop 4 comes like Santa's sleigh, delivering something very special with the Arctic Parka getting three generous iterations. The Tech Arctic Parka will be high on the list of the most passionate of gorpcorists, constructed from Gore-Tex, breathable, waterproof and wind-resistant, this iteration could get dropped off in the middle of Alaska and walk back itself.

Highsnobiety / Ahmed Chrediy

The Eco Parka comes as part of Woolrich's Eco Pack where every garment is made from 100% organic cotton and is naturally water and wind-resistant using as many recycled and sustainable components as they can. Finally, the Luxe Arctic Parka is fitted with the highest grade materials, wool tweed is treated with Storm System technology by LORO PIANA and the legend is finished with more trimmings than a thanksgiving dinner.

Check out our Woolrich lookbook above (in which all car footage was shot on a closed road- Please do not try this at home) and head here to shop the collection.

  • PhotographerAhmed Chrediy
  • Photography AssistantArne Vossfeldt
  • Art DirectorJosh Wilson
  • Senior CreativeShane Gormley
  • Creative DirectorDimitri Hekimian
  • Hair & Make Up ArtistVictoria Reuter
  • StylistGreta Tettamanzi
  • Styling AssistantYannick Robey
  • Driver/Production AssistantRyan Meyer
  • Project ManagerSara Tohme
  • ProducerSabrina Hubert
  • ProducerRochelle Bambury
  • ModelBoyd (Nest)
  • ModelLea (Iconic)
  • ModelQaher (Iconic)
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