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Every new album is the biggest album of the year when it comes out, at least for a couple weeks, and For All the Dogs is just as likely to take over the planet when it launches October 6. To commemorate For All the Dogs' much-awaited, much-delayed release, we're digging into nearly every notable outfit Drake wore in the summer-long lead up.

It's been a long summer for Drake fans, who suffered a prolonged rollout for yet another Drake album. For All the Dogs changed names and release dates several times prior its semi-official release date of October 6, recalling the big build-up that begat Certified Lover Boy only a few years ago.

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Sure, the For All the Dogs merch was remarkably timely, some Nike Nocta stuff surfaced in the meantime, and there was that book of "poetry" (big air quotes) to tide fans over but that's not much to tide Drake heads over in the meantime, besides seeing the rapper perform during his "It's All a Blur" tour

Actually, Drake's poetry book was supposedly intended to release simultaneously with FAtD but that was not to be. No big shock.

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So, now that FAtD is finally upon us, supposedly, let's step back and pick apart what Drake wore while making everyone wait and wait and wait for new music.

Clothes are a window into the soul, after all (I think), and perhaps we can extrapolate some expectations for the new album from the only tangible connection any of us has to Drake: his 'fit pics.

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"Hard Feelings Harder Dick" leather jacket

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Well, this doesn't bode well. Rumored to be the original title of For All the Dogs, "Hard Feelings Harder Dick" is a classic example of a fabulously cringetastic Drake couplet that probably sounded really clever in his head.

"If Assholes Could Fly" T-shirt

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The T-shirt actually isn't that bad but the context of all the bras that Drake collected on tour. Another example of the over-emphasized machismo that Drake channels at his corniest. Also, why did he keep all the bras?

Jeezy T-shirt + leather pants

Here's where things get interesting. Over the summer, Drake developed a short-lived fascination with these baggy leather cargo pants and puffy PDF Channel sneakers that actually made for an interesting look or two but, unfortunately, the proportions here, especially with the Jeezy-inspired T-shirt, are just off.

On-stage Leather apron

During the "It's All a Blur" tour, Drake donned a few different looks, some of which recurred throughout the shows. He kept coming back to aprons, for instance, a strange statement piece that might've been a reference to his 21 Savage collaboration.

Now, that's speculation, but fact of the matter is that as odd as they are, they kinda work for Drake. Helps that his aprons are leather, which makes them look more luxe and less like chef gear.

Rottweiler "For All the Dogs" mask

Here's a real weird one. Drake stepped out of a hotel in July wearing a Yankees jersey, sweats, and a rottweiler mask. For all the dogs, perhaps?

Young Thug hoodie

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Less of a standout look and more of an homage to Young Thug, I'll nevertheless admit that Drake's proportions are stronger here, due mostly to the short hoodie that breaks up his torso atop a pair of slouched-out Thugger sweatpants.

Brown overshirt with white pants

Gotta give it to Drake here. White pants are a tough sell but with the professorial vibes he's hitting with the thick overshirt and thin glasses? Not bad.

Drake is one of the few folks I can think of who really nails glasses with frameless lenses. As a glasses-wearer, I'll gladly admit that these kinda specs are a tall order — Drake makes 'em look easy.

Leather pants + black shirt

The baggy leather pants return, looking way better thanks to a loose black shirt and furry LOEWE shoes. Better balance, better texture, better pizza, better... you know.

Fubu shirt + hair clips

Okay, this is a pretty out-there look even for Drake, but I'm actually feeling it. Everything he's wearing reads so much more authentic and purposeful than the typical Drake look. Any time we get away from the try-hard hyper-machismo posturing, it's a step up.

Say what you will about the hair clips but they're a fun accent that plays off the baggy Fubu shirt and jeans, and the heavyweight shoes reiterate an air of late-'90s hip-hop. A fun look made better by the fact that it's actually pretty distinct for Drake, a guy who rarely puts on anything more adventurous than a hoodie and sweats.

On-stage Nike NOCTA vest

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This is another "It's All a Blur" outfit that Drake wore variations of throughout the tour and it's really just head-to-toe NOCTA but, you know, it works. It ain't particularly advanced but the sportiness, the way the T-shirt's fit complements the vest — solid.

Nike NOCTA Tech Fleece sweatsuits

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Kinda funny that an exploration of Drake's outfits peaks with sweats but that's just the kinda dude Drake is. Despite what he may insist, he ain't Mr. Fashion.

And, really, there's no shame in claiming these baby blue Nike NOCTA sweatsuits as Drake's finest style moment. For one, they were arguably the summer's hottest drop (literally, as in not summer-friendly), because the color really is excellent. The fit is also suitably slouchy, which makes every pair of sweats that much better.

And, as you can see from the photos, he debuted 'em with all his dogs! How fitting.

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