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From the Titanic to Ferraris, LEGO dropped plenty of killer kits this year. 2022 is starting off strong with even more wild builds, proof positive of the Danish toymaker's stranglehold on our imaginations.

Some of the best new LEGO kits were sourced from LEGO IDEAS, a platform where LEGO enthusiasts upload their dream LEGO kit and the company selects the designs with the most support to be turned into real products, giving the original creator a cut of profits.

This is where we got the LEGO Seinfeld apartment and the stunning Typewriter kit, another of 2021's highlights.

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Most of the cool LEGO IDEA builds sell out swiftly and rarely restock, generating a tidy profit on the secondhand market. Seriously, some of these kits are apparently a better investment than gold, according to a recent study.

The Titanic set that released only a few months ago, for instance, retailed for a whopping $630 but it rakes in up to $830 on the secondhand market.

According to "LEGO economy" site Brick Economy, some older out-of-print sets are worth hundreds of bucks.

LEGO revealed two more nifty IDEA builds this week, though only one is available for purchase.

That'd be the Sonic the Hedgehog Green Hills Zone set, based on the iconic first level of the first Sonic game. Did we not all play it as kids? Even if not, you probably recognize the music.

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Fans have been trying to get this set made for years (check out all the old IDEAS pitches) so it's been a long time coming, to say the least.

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While the Sonic the Hedgehog set launches January 1 on LEGO's website for $70, Jonny Campbell's JAWS build is just an IDEA... for now.

Though it's not the first JAWS design on the IDEAS site, Campdell's design is especially clever in how it pieces together the eponymous giant shark, the Orca, and the film's main cast, including Quint and Brody.

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With over 10k supporters on LEGO's IDEAS site, the JAWS build has garnered enough support to possibly see production one day and, if so, expect it to reel in plenty of dough.

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