Twenty-five years after its 1993 debut, Marc Jacobs is reissuing 26 full looks from its groundbreaking Grunge collection. Titled Redux Grunge, the latest offering from Marc Jacobs features iconic pieces from the original collection, including reworked carpenter pants, cardigans with extended sleeves, graphics from Robert Crumb's Underground Comix, and much more.
Initially seen as a shocking shift from the luxury of the late-1980s, Marc Jacobs' 1993 Grunge collection for Perry Ellis is now seen as a point of reference for both designers and critics today – the collection was early on mixing high and low fashion, combining masculine and feminine elements, and layering silhouettes, and represented an American youth culture scene that went on to shape global pop culture. Inspired both by the Seattle grunge scene of the early 1990s and the photography of Juergen Teller, David Sims, and Corinne Day, Marc Jacobs aimed to reimagine what luxury really represented. The result was a collection without any creative compromise on Jacobs' part, and one that defines the combination of the everyday and extraordinary the brand stands for today.
Cathy HorynIt was legitimately an expression of impertinent new values—about alternative beauty, unaffected glamour, anti-luxury. Weren’t we always egging designers to make clothes that reflected the times?
Marc JacobsIt was the first time I was unwavering in my determination to see my vision come to life on the runway without creative compromise.
Reissued items include the brand's iconic "Heaven" tee, legendary grunge shoe silhouettes re-imagined for Marc Jacobs, dog tag accessories, striped beanies, and much more. Shop the Marc Jacobs Redux Grunge collection here.