Quavo Is Developing His Own Animated Kids Show
Migos are broadening their reach by transitioning from music to television, as Quavo is officially developing his own animated show. The program will be geared towards kids ages 8 to 12, centering around Atlanta's hip-hop music and culture scene.
"I've loved animation my whole life whether on TV or in movies and I wanted my first jump into this premium content world to be a show just for kids," says Quavo. "It will definitely reflect the creativity, love and families in and around the NAWF side of Atlanta where we grew up."
Migos's Quality Control label is working alongside Marginal Mediaworks and Imagine Kids + Family for the program. The collaboration accounts for their first joint project in a newly announced partnership.
This is all we have on Quavo's upcoming animated kids show for now, but as always, be sure to check back with us for additional details.