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Rosalía really do be dressin' these days. I mean, not that she ever wasn't, but she's blessed us with some inspirationally high-concept streetstyle as of late.

On May 3, en route to an appearance on the Tonight Show — where she changed into one of Seán McGirr's less-divisive Alexander McQueen designs — Rosalía hit the road in fresh-from-the-runway CELINE, looking sort of like a sultry Mike Wazowski.

But, for real, considering that Rosalía was effectively cosplaying a Q-Tip, she looked darn cool.

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There's something to be said about the grounding effect of dark shades, a red lip, and crisp white heels, even when wearing a hairy sphere (maybe fur really is back).

And there's something more to be said about wearing interesting fashion.

Like, we've all seen the off-duty celebs and sushi-crazed pop stars in their stylish but ordinary clobber. Yeah, yeah, luxury suits and leather jackets, nice and cool.

But it's frankly refreshing to see someone just out there in capital-F Fashion. Rosalía is on one here, in a good way.

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Sometimes you just gotta dress for the grocery store, I get that.

But, also, what is a celebrity if not someone for whom it's culturally acceptable to deliver us from boring fashion?

To that end, big ups to Rosalía for actually putting it on and pulling it off.

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And by "it," I mean a giant pompom.

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